How to Choose a Kids Bed: The Ultimate Guide

- Categories : Bedroom

Featured Item: Pluto Double Bunk Bed

There comes a wondrous moment in every parent’s life when your pint-sized human is ready to crawl, climb or trampoline into their very own big kid bed.

While many challenges await on the journey to uninterrupted nights of dreamy sleep for you and your child, the first vital task will be to find the right bed to keep your kiddo sleeping safe and sound.

Unfortunately, selecting the perfect kids’ bed can be just as complicated as finding the ideal adult bed—even more so when you consider trying to predict your kids’ preferences, jumping strength, and sibling rivalry ratings a couple of years down the road…

  1. Common types of kids’ beds.

  2. Questions to ask to help you choose the right bed.

  3. What size makes sense.

  4. What to look for in a safe, child-friendly bed.

  5. What mattress to buy.

  6. A few last practicalities.

Whether you’ve got a specific question, or have no kicking clue where to start, we’ve got you covered!


Types of Kids’ Beds

When it comes to products for kids, there are always hundreds of options to choose from to make your job as a parent just that little bit more overwhelming. Gone are the days of simply choosing between a single bed, bunk bed, or shoving two siblings into a double bed! Today, if your kid can dream it, he can sleep in it (budget and space allowing, of course).

To help you navigate the maze of choices out there, let’s start with a brief rundown of the main types of kids’ beds you’ll find and the concept behind each design:

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Toddler beds and Twin beds – an easier transition

A toddler bed is basically a hybrid form of a cot that keeps your kiddo close to ground level and still provides some form of all-round enclosure—most popularly disguised as some kind of house, castle, or mode of transport (supposedly designed to shoot our little ones off to dreamland). Toddler beds are designed as a gradual transition to a bigger bed.

Featured Item: Amari Kid's Bed

Single bed – a versatile long-term solution

If you have the space, a standard single bed is a very practical way to go, particularly if you want to shop for a good quality bed that can last your child through to college or does the rounds with younger siblings. Plus, you can usually avoid an extended hunt for the right size bedding when your little drama queen has her heart set on her favourite Disney character duvet.

Featured Item: Storage Bunk Bed

Bunk beds – space-saving with a dose of adventure

The traditional bunk bed involved two beds stacked atop one another as a practical (and fun) space-saving option for kids’ rooms. Today, this basic concept has evolved into a huge number of modern variations, including triple bunks, L-shape bunks, built-in bunks, storage beds, cabin beds and novelty bunk beds (many of which are fun to Google!).

Many of us grew up on bunk beds and can at least vouch for the fun factor – even if there may have been a few injuries or close calls involved. Of course, today’s health and safety standards have buckled down in a big way, so along with a much greater variety of creative bunk designs, you’ll also find they’re a lot more child-friendly (though it’s still important to check safety features for yourself, as we discuss below).

You can also read more on the awesome benefits of bunk beds here.

Featured Item: Meteor Study Bunk Bed - Charcoal

Loft Beds – open up some floor space while your kid rises to the challenge

While easily mistaken for a bunk bed, a loft bed is just a normal bed which is elevated off the floor—a bed on stilts, really. This has the dual benefit of giving your eager little beaver a climbing apparatus (with some extra motivation to climb into bed), as well as opening up the floor space underneath.

Loft beds come in mid-level and high-level options suitable for different ages. They also come in a wide range of simple to more complex and thematic designs where the area under the bed may be designed as storage, work or play space.

These may be variously referred to as cabin beds, captain beds or storage beds depending on the design and manufacturer’s branding, but they all follow the same key concept.

Featured Item: Storage Bunk Bed - Blue

Storage beds – practical & innovative

Storage beds come in the form of single beds, bunk beds, or loft beds, but with the obvious key design feature of bonus built-in storage.

From under-bed drawers and built-in shelving, to bunk bed stairs that double as cupboard space, these innovative multifunctional beds are all about space- and chaos-saving solutions for kids and parents.

Featured Item: Larissa Bed - Blush Pink

Trundle beds – always room for one more

trundle bed may rule out one of your kids’ favorite hiding places (which is not always a bad thing), but it makes up for it by providing a sneaky extra ‘hidden’ bed which can be summoned on demand. No need to haul out the spare mattress, these convenient dual-function beds are perfect for sleepovers, and also ideal as transition beds for toddlers.

Featured Item: Natalia Daybed

Daybeds – a versatile & practical alternative

While not technically a category of kids’ beds, a daybed is definitely a versatile and design-friendly option to consider. The design of most daybeds provides both a comforting and protective sleeping space for younger children, which can double as a comfy couch or play area during the day.

Many daybeds also offer a trundle bed or fold-out option to enlarge the sleeping space, which is a handy solution for sleepovers or difficult nights when your kids need you close. And there’s the obvious long-term advantage that you can still use it as a practical and attractive piece of furniture in your home once your kids no longer need it

Featured Range: Kids Single Beds

So, there you have it – a rundown of the main types of kids beds you’ll find in stores and online – though you’re sure to come across a few outliers!

With all the options on the table, you may have already spotted a clear winner, or perhaps you’re now sighing with a serious case of choice paralysis. Either way, being clear on your priorities upfront will help you nail down the best option, and prevent rushing into any decisions you’ll regret.

Questions to Ask to Help You Choose the Right Bed

As with any other purchase for your child, your first priority will naturally be their safety and well-being. Any bed should of course fulfil the main purpose of providing a safe and comfy place for your little munchkin to sleep, free of any potential hazards (as we’ll cover below).

But aside from those obvious priorities, you also need to figure out what’s going to be the right fit not only for your child’s needs but also for your family, your living arrangements, your future plans, and your current budget. So, before you head to the stores, have a think through the following questions to help you cover all the bases and sort out your main priorities:

  • Who?

    Who will be using this bed? An only child? A child who’s sharing a room? Will the bed need to be used by siblings or adults in the future?

  • What?

    What needs could this bed potentially fulfil, apart from sleep? Will it need to be multifunctional – double up as a storage space, workspace, or play space? Will sleepovers be a regular thing?

  • Where?

    What space are you working with? How big is the room? Will the bed need to fit in with other furniture?

  • When?

    What’s the timeframe on this bed – do you only need it as a stopgap, or as a long-term investment to last to your child’s teenage or even college years?

  • Why?

    What is your main goal in buying this bed? Are you trying to help your kid find more independence and autonomy? Wanting siblings to have a shared space to bond and build their relational skills? Or maybe you’re looking to free up space for another bedroom or study?


If you can answer these questions, you should have a clearer idea of what factors are going to be top of your list, whether longevity, versatility, fun, or value for money. Let’s consider a few scenarios.

  • Let’s say you’re looking for a bed for your 18-month old to make an easy transition from his cot to his own bed. You’ll probably want to prioritise safety features and value for money, as your child won’t be using the bed for too long.

  • Maybe you’re looking for a starter bed that will help your toddler adjust to sleeping in her own room. You might want to prioritise the fun factor with a themed bed that gets her excited to be in her own space. If siblings are likely to join the room later on, you might consider a dual-function bunk bed that can be used for a play or storage space in the meantime.

  • If you’re looking for a once-off bed purchase that’s going to last your child into their teen years, or be passed down to a younger sibling, you’d likely want to prioritise durability and versatility – you might consider a storage bed or a bunk bed that can be converted to two single beds later on.

Featured Item: Larissa Bed Combo - Charcoal

What Size Makes Sense?

The reality for many of us is that choosing our kids’ beds will come down to how much space we have available. For example, if you’ve got a smallish room to be shared by siblings, you may be forced to go with twin-size beds if you aren’t a fan of bunks.

In general, our advice would be to go with the largest size bed the space can accommodate without making things too cramped. For starters, your child needs space to grow, and it’s always a win if you can avoid having to buy another bed a few years down the road.

Young kids can be pretty active sleepers, and with more space to wriggle and roll, they’ll have an easier time getting comfortable and staying asleep. You’ll also have the space to sit and read with them or comfort them on those inevitable nightmare nights. If you’re worried about giving up more floor space, you can always consider a loft bed or storage bed.

Always be sure to buy the right size mattress for the bed base, and check that the mattress is not over the recommended height limit for a trundle bed or elevated bed with safety rails

Featured Item: Luna Bunk Bed

What to Look for in a Safe, Child-Friendly Bed

  • Guardrails 

    The bed should have protective rails on any sides that aren’t flush against a wall. This applies for toddler beds, bunk beds, and any bed for younger kids who like to rock ‘n roll in their sleep.

  • Sturdy frame 

    We all know that kids treat their beds like a personal gym, so any bed you buy needs to be up for the challenge. You’re not only after durability, but peace of mind knowing the bed’s going to keep its sleeping cargo safe. Quality crafted solid wood and metal frames are always a good bet.

  • Hazard-free design 

    There’s no denying that kids are injury magnets, so you need to make sure their bed presents as few opportunities as possible. Aside from guard rails and choosing an appropriate height bed for your child’s age, make sure the bed contains no protruding screws or fittings, angular edges, or sharp corners.

  • Non-toxic finishes 

    Finally, you’ll want to double check that any paints or other finishes are free of harmful substances - you know your kid’s going to test whether those bed posts taste like candy canes.

What Mattress to Buy

When you’ve seen your kids happily sleeping on a hard floor, in a shopping cart, or on top of a sibling, it’s easy to assume they don’t need a high-quality mattress.

However, sleep specialists advise that sound sleep is crucial to kids’ development and well-being, and a big factor is sleeping on a mattress that provides proper support for their growing bodies and spines.

This doesn’t mean you need to shell out for the most expensive high-end mattress, but it’s well worth investing in a good quality innerspring or hybrid mattress that ensures healthy spinal alignment and comfort.

It makes even more sense to buy a good quality mattress that’s going to last 10-15 years if there’s a sibling or two in line. Do yourself and your kids a favour and avoid low-quality mattresses (particularly the cheap sponge variety) that are sure to start losing their inner or outer integrity after a few months.

Experts advise taking your child along to try out the mattress, as you want to get one that’s soft enough to be comfortable, but not so soft that your child completely sinks into it. Bear in mind that foam mattresses can feel quite firm when you first buy them but will soften for comfort with a few months’ use – a shop floor demo model can usually give you a good idea of what the ‘broken in’ mattress will feel like. The mattress should be a minimum of 20cm thick to provide adequate support.

Featured Item: Mattress Protectors

For kids who may be prone to allergies, opt for mattresses that feature organic materials and natural fibre covers. If you’re unsure, you can always purchase a special mattress protector that offers an anti-allergenic and anti-moisture barrier. Of course, a waterproof mattress protector is always a no-brainer with kids’ beds!


At the bottom of every parenting decision is your desire to nurture healthy, happy kids who are growing and thriving day by day. Creating a comfortable, safe and inspiring space for your kids to make their own and get the sleep their busy brains and bodies need is just a small part of that picture, but an incredibly vital one.

At Cielo, we believe in inspiring spaces – whatever that looks like for you and your family. Visit our showrooms or view our online catalogue of high-quality trendy, fun, and practical kids beds to find the perfect fit to get you and your kids more of that sweet sleep you deserve!