Console Table

With their unobtrusive presence and versatile personality, console tables can fit in just about anywhere, and may just be the missing piece your home has been waiting for.

The narrow design makes a console the perfect addition to hallways and entryways, offering a convenient ‘catchall’ for your comings and goings—just style it up with a chic storage basket to keep the clutter in check.

A console table can also make a convenient desk, vanity, or bar table when space is at a premium. Try placing a console against the back of a sofa with a few lamps and decorative items to add some atmosphere or act as a simple room divider. Or place one against the wall to help anchor a large mirror or piece of art.

Our console tables feature a wide selection of styles from minimalist display tables to multi-layered designs with shelving and drawers, giving you a full range of options to balance and harmonise with your space.

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