Pedestals and Bedside Tables

When you’re planning your bedroom furniture essentials, a pedestal or set of bedside tables should definitely be on your list. 

A bedside table is a perfect example of a dual-function item that benefits your space both in form and function. Not only does this little bedside companion provide convenient surface and storage space for whatever you need on hand for your night and morning routine—it also plays a key aesthetic role by visually anchoring your bed, and creating balance and symmetry, particularly if you’re going for a classic or traditional look. At the same time, a pedestal can be the perfect way to bring some individuality and design flair to your personal space.

With Cielo’s extensive range of high-quality pedestals and bedside tables reflecting classic, urban industrial, rustic and modern design trends, whether you’re looking for a pedestal with ample storage space, or simply a creative statement piece, we’ve got you covered with plenty of options to choose from.

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